Tag: Paint

Practical guide for colour selection for a smaller flatPractical guide for colour selection for a smaller flat

Colour Wheel

Most of us these days have very cramped apartments, thanks to skyrocketing real estate prices. So, we do not have a lot of space to keep everything we love or decorate however much we might want to. Yet, who does not want to make their homes feel like it is something special and unique to themselves? Homes contain your stories, and their walls hold all the precious memories within them gently and with love. So, no matter how small a space you might have, you can still decorate it as per your requirements, both financial and otherwise. Here are a few tips from https://paintsutra.com that will guide you through the process of house painting, home decoration, home interior and just home makeover in general, keeping in mind all your practical needs.

When it comes to smaller spaces, interior design or interior decoration becomes very important because you need to fit in all your belongings at first. Depending on this, the selection of wall colours comes.

Home furnishing

Home furnishing

The first factor that is significant while selecting your wall colours or for home furnishing is to calculate how much space you need in order to store your things. The next factor is whether you like more open space or are more comfortable with a small cosy area offset with a lot of furniture, personal belongings and warm wall colours. So, depending on your home interior and home decor taste, there can be two options. You might want a breezy, open space with a lot of light or space for fitting in all your belongings snugly.

In cities where the houses are all packed together, you hardly get enough air or sunlight. So, keeping as much open space as possible is the best idea. To do this, the option forward is to choose very light wall colour shades for your home makeover. Go for white, lemon yellow, grey, beige, peach and colours of the same shade to make your space look bigger. These shades would also absorb minimum light and make the space brighter. Use white linen curtains and upholstery as well for an airy, calm and soothing look.

The other idea is to meticulously consider your interior design. For a cosy and comfortable space, choose vibrant colours like red or golden yellow. However, keep in mind this will absorb a lot of light. So, the space is going to be dark and will also look small. Add in long lamps and a lot of plants to make the space look lively. The home decoration must include a lot of furniture, preferably wooden. If you have fibre furnishings, prefer not to use rich tones like red and yellow. Use something more moderate like pink or blue.

Finally, the best idea is to create a contrast in your house painting, especially in the drawing room space. Go for a majorly whitish tone. But, go for a bright colour on the main, windowless wall behind your sofa set or television cabinet. This will not absorb much of colour but also prevent the space from being very boring. In fact, you can go for a wall mural or a wall graffiti as well to level up the game.

For hassle-free painting that will not empty your pockets yet provide the best interior ideas for your small apartment, contact https://paintsutra.com now. Looking at a couple of colour charts from leading paint companies is always a good start.


Condition of previous wallsCondition of previous walls

This is very important as the undulation of the wall and the damp on the walls will significantly affect the professional painting process. If it is your own home, you already know. But, if you want to shift somewhere else, this is something you should definitely check out right in the beginning. You might need to use weather protection or damp proofing coating before beginning the proper painting process. This will help you keep your wall colours intact for a long time with Paint Sutra.

Tentative Budget

Budget Friendly

Before you reach out to the painting contractors, make a tentative budget of how much you are willing or able to spend on repainting your home. This is crucial as the kind of products and services you will get is directly dependent on the budget you provide. If you do not have a budget from the start, you might not be able to spend evenly giving undesirable results. Depending on your budget, you can go for modern painting, mechanised painting and more.

Cost and quantity of paint

Once your budget is ready, the next step is to find affordable painting and wall painters. Go through the sites of multiple painting services to see the colours, the labour and the technique that you can afford. Split the prices accordingly. Make sure that you get the wall colours of choice in the quantity required and that it fits your budget. Do not keep the budget too tight because the quantity might vary once the painters start their job. Do not go for random wall colours all at once. Sit down and check colour charts and tally them with your living space in order to arrive at a conclusion that suits you taste.

Colours, textures, patterns

The perfect end result!

Check for colours, textures and patterns that would match with the theme that you have imagined. If you want to be a little bold or go boho, opting for a wall mural, a wall painting or a wall graffiti is an absolutely fantastic option. Keep in mind which ones of your existing furniture you intend to keep and what new items you intend to add to the space. Your wall colours must be very well synchronised with your furniture, your lifestyle and everything in general. It must be organic. Since you are repainting, you are not starting everything from scratch. Therefore, you have to manage your existing conditions properly with the new painting process.

https://paintsutra.com is here to hold your hand every step of the way. Hurry up and give them a call now. Keep an eye on the hottest shades for this season as well before you zero in on the colour you prefer.


Wall Colour and Indoor PlantsWall Colour and Indoor Plants

Colour Splash

Bringing in more and more plants to your own little living space has a lot of benefits. More plants in a cramped apartment in a polluting city means a fresh breath of air. It reduces the toxicity of the surrounding atmosphere. It also soothes the mind after a tiring day at work. Your mind automatically becomes peaceful and you calm down to a great extent. On top of these, there is always the ornamental value of indoor plants. If you can place beautiful indoor plants properly in your apartment, they can act as interior decor enhancers. The entire get-up of your space can potentially change. Moreover, you can always be a plant parent if you feel lonely and abandoned. It is one of the greatest feelings! https://paintsutra.com is here to guide you through the entire process.

However, if you are thinking about keeping a lot of indoor plants, it is important that you choose the wall colours judiciously and place the plants meticulously, scattering them around so that the space does not resemble a jungle. Keeping plants in your space serves to tone down bright colours and usher in some softness. Here you have a list of wall colours that you can choose from if you are looking forward to having a lot of plants in your house!